Author: fingerlakes


Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES) is a food allergy that affects young children. It...

August Birth Flower

The middle of the summer brings us two more flowers designated for those born in...

Summer Snacks

Here we are in the “dog days” of August and everyone is still up for...

Organic Cleaning Products

After the cleaning frenzy during Covid, we are still very conscious of keeping our areas...

Signs of Dementia

If you are around middle age, you have no doubt thought you were on your...

Recipes Featuring Apple Cider Vinegar

If you read the companion article, you can make up your own mind about whether...

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Every day it seems we read an ad or see an infomercial on tv or...

Queen Elizabeth II’s Children

It seems as though every newsfeed still is running some item about the British royal...

Recipes with Zucchini

If the squash bugs don’t get them, zucchini is coming into season in your home...

Chronic Hip Tightness

Probably everyone would like to have a tight tush, but tightness in the hip joints...

August Birthstone

August is another of those months that has three stones designated for those born that...

Onion and Garlic Featured Recipes

As part of the Allium family, onions and garlic are pungent, spicy additions in many...

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