
Kids Disappointed at the Holidays

20December 2022

Kids Disappointed at the Holidays

As adults we often deal with disappointment. Children have a more difficult time with emotions....

december 26

20December 2022

Things to do on December 26

With the holiday falling on a Sunday, many people who would otherwise be going to...

cookie exchange

14December 2022

Holiday Cookies

Baking is a mainstay of the end of the year with all of its holidays. ...

14December 2022

Planning a Cookie Exchange

Actually you can throw a cookie swap party any time of the year, but they...

college visits

14December 2022

College Tour

High school juniors and some seniors are excited about scheduling tours of potential college and...

holiday drinks

6December 2022

More Holiday Drinks

Last week we had a list of punches to serve through the holiday season that...

holiday wreath

6December 2022

Unusual Holiday Wreaths

It is quite enjoyable to drive around and see the cheery wreaths on exterior doors...


6December 2022

Mindfulness During the Holidays

With all of the holidays and year-end activities, it can feel as though you are...

holiday punch

28November 2022

Signature Holiday Punches

The holidays are a time for celebrating and enjoying company. No, it doesn’t need to...


28November 2022

Why People Hate Fruitcake

The answer is: Comedians have been telling us so for decades. It is a variation...

28November 2022

Choosing a Live Christmas Tree

There is nothing like the scent and ambiance of a non-artificial Christmas tree for the...

23November 2022

White Sweet Potatoes

Not all sweet potatoes are orange. Some are white with the most common varieties of...

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