Category: Life

Retail Therapy

Lots of people enjoy shopping, whether it is on a mission to purchase a specific...

Flu and Covid Vaccines

Since 2010 the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has recommended a flu shot for everyone...

Eye Exam Info

If you are getting ready to set up eye exams for yourself or family, here...

September Birthstone

The sapphire is one of most well known stones around the world and is the...

Sense of Taste

Tasting and smelling are two senses that allow us to enjoy food, and actually help...


Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES) is a food allergy that affects young children. It...

Signs of Dementia

If you are around middle age, you have no doubt thought you were on your...

Queen Elizabeth II’s Children

It seems as though every newsfeed still is running some item about the British royal...

Chronic Hip Tightness

Probably everyone would like to have a tight tush, but tightness in the hip joints...

August Birthstone

August is another of those months that has three stones designated for those born that...

Hyperlocal Air Quality

This past year everyone was acutely aware of the air quality following the worst season...

Make Summer Special

It seems as though the Fourth of July signals that the summer is half over....

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