Attending Holiday Office Parties

13 December 2023

This is the time of year when parties seem to crop up overnight. Among those events is an office holiday party. If you are the employee or a guest, there are some guidelines that may be of help to navigate the event in style. Never think that your actions won’t be noticed, because there is always someone around and with many people posting on social media, you could be caught unaware.

Remember that this is a work event that can be joyful and good for networking.

Dress appropriately. Usually there is a memo or other communication from human resources that outlines what is expected. If you are a plus-one and your date or spouse doesn’t know, go for a middle of the road approach and put a little sparkle to the outfit. Avoid anything risque, revealing, or overly tight. Consider professionalism.

Eat and drink in moderation. An open (free) bar, passed hors d’oeuvres, buffets, and other temptations can be a potential for disaster. Even if you feel you can hold your liquor, be conservative. Switch to a soft drink if you feel like you need to hold something in your hand. A two-drink alcoholic maximum is a good rule. Grabbing a snack before you leave the house is also a good idea. Not only does it put something in your stomach will not only stop it from growling in front of others, but will allow you to be judicious in the amount of food on your plate.

Make good conversations. This is a good time to mingle with someone you may have only worked with a bit but could be a linchpin in your next project, or the project you want. It is tempting to spend all night with your regular work buddies, but it is also a good idea to chat with others. That includes your date or spouse. Keep the discussions light but meaningful. Don’t hog the conversation. Show interest in what the other person is saying.

Avoid anything controversial including politics or jokes that could be misinterpreted as off color or insensitive. Don’t complain or whine. Don’t gossip even if you trust the person you are speaking with. In a group event, you never know who might overhear what you are saying and you have a reputation to protect.

If you are solo, don’t flirt. If you are with someone, don’t create public displays of affection or flirt with someone else. If it is a family event, be sure to have a serious talk with the kids about what is and is not appropriate for this gathering. If you see them getting out of hand, remind them firmly of expectations, but don’t swat or yell at them.

Timeliness. Plan on being at the location about 15 to 20 minutes after its start time. If you have to be late, be sure to let someone know what happened. Similarly, don’t be the last person leaving. Before departing, be sure to say goodbye to your colleagues and to acknowledge others as you move to the door. Be polite and thank the organizers. You can even send an email on the next work day to show your appreciation of the effort it took to put on the event. Even if you had a rotten time, show kindness.

Afterward, don’t post any photos or videos without permission. That means having the okay from your employer as well as anyone in the shots. Don’t take pictures of anyone while they are eating. Avoid photos where people are holding drinks. If children are at the party, be sure a parent is with them when you take the shot. If you are taking selfies, be careful of the angle of the shot so that no ladies’ cleavage is exposed inadvertently. Whatever you do put out into the ethernet, be sure it is positive to the company and all involved.

The last remark is to relax and have fun. This is intended as a reward for a year of hard work. Be friendly and enjoy yourself.

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