

6June 2023


The sciatic is a nerve that starts in the lower back, extends through the hip...


6June 2023

June Birthstone – Pearl, Alexandrite, Moonstone

Technically June has three official birthstones, but, as you will see, only two are relative....

Horse racing, triple crown

31May 2023

Triple Crown of Horse Racing

Officially called the Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing, this is a series of three races...

31May 2023

Prepping Kids for Summer Camp

Every child is unique and not all are ready for away camp at the same...


23May 2023

Ticks, Pets and Humans

Now that the weather has settled a bit, it is time to get back to...


17May 2023


The ACL, anterior cruciate ligament, is a strong band of tissue that connects the thigh...


9May 2023

Snoring Help

When air passes through relaxed tissues in the throat, usually while sleeping, a rumbling or...

emerald, may, gemstone

3May 2023

May Birthstone – Emerald

Emerald, that intense green gemstone usually cut into a rectangle, is the birthstone for May. ...

spring, allergy, allergies

25April 2023

Spring Allergies

Spring is so glorious with its trees in bud and bloom and early flowers popping...

healthy pet, healthy owner

19April 2023

Healthy Pet and Healthy Owner

Studies show that there are numerous benefits to pet ownership.  Some of these include: Lowered...

10April 2023

Book Club

Despite what the movies would have you believe, a book club is not just a...

2April 2023

Blood Groups and Factors

If you are a fan of medical procedurals, you are undoubtedly familiar for the call...

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