Category: Life

Developing New Antibiotics

During World War II the scientific communities for the Allies as well as the Axis...

Blood Pressure

Every time you visit a doctor’s office they probably take your blood pressure.  We are...

Puzzles for Brain Health

Older adults are often concerned about keeping their mental acuity sharp, or not losing memories...

Make February Fun

After all the hoopla of December and the holidays, January gets us back into a...


Vertigo is more than just a dizzy spell.  It is intense and can be a...

February Birthstone

February’s gemstone is the deep purple quartz we call amethyst.  Favored by royals throughout Europe...

Winter Bird Watching

In the Finger Lakes area there are a number of bird species that do not...


Just as each month has an assigned birthstone, there are also flowers that are attributed...

Watchman Cardiac Implant

Atrial Fibrillation or A-Fib is an irregular heartbeat, usually rapid. The upper chambers of the...

Quiet Quitting

We have all seen the movies, and probably known the people, where the workaholic focuses...

January Birthstone

The idea of a birthstone comes from a biblical reference in Exodus where Aaron wore...

How to Write New Year’s Resolutions

Well, its that time again. Facing a blank sheet and deciding to make some resolutions...

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