Category: Life

Foods that Help Heal the Body

Eat a little bit; you will feel better.  Well that is exactly true.  There are...

Labor Day

Labor Day is that point in the year when we pause to thank the American...

Physical vs Occupational Therapy

After injuries, surgeries, and accidents a lot of emphasis is placed on rehabilitative care. Its...

Late Summer Trips in 2021

Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, taking a trip this month or the...

National Left Handers Day

On August 13 we celebrate National Left Handers Day. From the earliest recorded time lefties...

Dog Days of Summer

This weather is so hot it’s not fit for a dog! Doggon it, why when...

Covid Delta Variant

You may be hearing some chatter about the Delta Variant in relation to Covid-19. As...

Tokyo Olympics

At long last the Summer Olympics will be held in Tokyo, Japan from July 23...

Children’s Temper Tantrums

Children between the ages of 1 and 2 can be very difficult, especially the “terrible...

Common Summer Illnesses

Being outdoors with family and friends is one of the definite perks of the summer....

Tips to Get Sleep on Long Summer Days

There are many reasons why it’s difficult to sleep in the summer (or at least...

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