2 June 2022
Dairy Associate Ambassadors bring gifts for lucky baby born during National Dairy Month
Newark, NY – June is National Dairy Month, and to celebrate, Wayne County Dairy Associate Ambassadors, Alysha Kuhn, of Marion, NY, and Kayla Dunstan, of Walworth, NY visited one of the first babies born in June at Newark-Wayne Community Hospital. On behalf of the local dairy industry, Kuhn and Dunstan surprised the baby and his family with a basket of dairy-themed gifts.
“June is National Dairy Month! We wanted to celebrate by giving this June baby, born in Wayne County, a gift,” said Kuhn and Dunstan. “We are honoring our dedicated dairy farmers and recognizing the hard work and challenges we have overcome to continue caring for our animals, land, and community.”
This year’s visit from the Dairy Associate Ambassadors was done in accordance with current COVID-19 safety protocols. To keep patients safe, Kuhn and Dunstan worked with hospital staff to deliver the baby’s gift and a personal note while remaining socially distant.
The baby, Zaine Hand, son of Christina Hernandes and Michael Hand, was born on June 1, 2022, at Newark-Wayne Community Hospital’s Marshall Birthing Center.
The Dairy Ambassador program in New York State promotes the dairy industry and is funded by local dairy farmers and the American Dairy Association and Dairy Council.
Contact: Lizzy Beach
C (585) 478-3594
E Elizabeth.Beach@RochesterRegional.org