16 November 2022
A couch or sofa is an integral part of almost any living room, great room, or den. It is a respite at the end of a long day or gathering point for family and friends. Unfortunately their lifespan ranges from seven to fifteen years.
Every family is unique and often it changes over time. New members are added or subtracted for various reasons. If it just doesn’t work for your lifestyle, it may be time to consider a replacement.
One good option is a sectional or modular arrangement. In that way, it can be reconfigured easily to deal with the event in progress. It can create separate areas for the kids to play but still be a part of the family group. It can also be set up for small group discussions at a party or for meetings.
One major advantage to a sectional is that all the pieces don’t need to stay in the same room. They can easily be relocated if you are planning quarters to accommodate an elderly relative or a boomerang offspring. If you are considering some type of a relocation in the semi-near future, the arrangement can be manipulated to fit into different room configurations or sizes.
Another consideration might be to go for a sleeper sofa or chair. Anticipating company but without an extra room to place them, a pull-out is a great compromise.
For any piece of furniture, it needs to be comfortable. For seating, that is extremely important. If the piece is too deep for you to sit on, or too low, you will dread the time you need to spend on it. Lumps and bumps can leave you with an achy back or backside after only a little while.
It could be that you can salvage the situation by replacing the stuffing in the cushions. It may or may not require an upholsterer depending on the design.
If you hear strange cracking noises everytime someone sits, or the chair or sofa seems off balance, you probably have a structural issue. This is not good and it is actually dangerous. Sometimes these issues can be repaired, but most likely it would cost less to purchase a new couch than to spend the money on the fixes.
There comes a point when there is just one spill too many, the leather is cracked, pets have left their mark with an odd odor or claw scratches, or is faded from years of use. Many people start out with hand-me-downs or being satisfied with what is affordable at the time. Styles and personal tastes change over the years. It could just be time for an upgrade.
If you have moved within the last year, you might realize that your old furniture just won’t fit into the space you have now or just not as well as you had hoped. If high traffic areas are continually congested or if you have a genuine concern about getting out the door in case of an emergency, it is a good idea to consider replacement furniture. The general rule is to allow a minimum of three feet around the sides and back of the sofa to allow for walking and a foot to foot and a half between the couch and coffee table.
If any of this sounds familiar, then it may be time to start haunting the local furniture sales rooms to see what is available and will make you feel better about your living space.