Household Organization Roadblocks

18 January 2023

It’s a new year and one of your goals is to get your home organized.  You have decluttered, rearranged furniture, cleaned drawers, and generally gotten the place nice, tidy, and comfortable.  If only it were a one and done.  Within a short time it seems that your place is back to its old self.


For most people, our living space is nothing like you see in a Hallmark movie where the kitchen is always neat and perfectly decorated, the carpets are swept, there is no dust to be found anywhere, and there are no stacks of unopened mail or items to go to the recycler.  All the groceries are neatly stored in cabinets and easily accessible.  Ha!

The entry way is one of the prime dumping spots for coats, backpacks, mail, and whatever.  Other spaces that are prone to regression are main closets, kitchen, and other storage areas.  Diligence is the key.  Keep at it until it becomes second nature to you and your housemates.

Lost in Organization

When you did your initial reorganizing, you put things where you were sure to find them or where they should have been in the first place.  Then, as time goes on, or you are in a hurry, you can’t locate where you stored them.  New habits are not easily switched on and off.  It could be that you didn’t have the right solution in the first place.  The only way out is to attempt it again.

Too Tired to Tidy

Not every day is a skate in the park.  We often come home tired, upset, or with more to do that is humanly possible.  Even if you only do half of what needs to be put away, that is progress.  Literally the next spare minute you have, finish the job.  You don’t need to do it all, or all at once.  Keep chipping away.  Don’t expect perfection, just acceptability.  Check your budget to see if you can afford even a once a month house cleaning service.


Think of fixing the mess in your home like a doctor’s appointment.  If you don’t find the cause, you won’t know how to fix the problem.  If you have tried someone’s suggestions, but they don’t fit into your style, try something else.  Be persistent.

Start with a single step.  Take care of putting away the items now.  Take an extra 30 seconds to place the canned goods in proper order so you will save time later.  Don’t fret about what else is not getting done.  Splitting your attention is not an aswer.  Once you have conquered even one small factor, you are ready to move on to the next.  Create a single habit and don’t lose it.  Then you can work on another.

If you are still consistently frustrated at not being able to be as organized as you think you should, perhaps you should reassess your priorities.  Can you say no to just one other task and give that time to putting items in their proper places.  If necessary, write down where you are storing things.  Generally people will remember things they actually write rather than assuming they will know when the time comes.  Make choices you can live with and you will be a more contended person.

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