27 September 2020
Hi there, I am Don Stevens. I love the Finger Lakes region, have a passion for wine, and a commitment to local businesses. Through Cornell University, I received my certification in digital marketing and help local businesses with their online brand with my agency, Finger Lakes Copywriting. Additionally, I am also a realtor and author of the Finger Lakes wine mysteries.
I’ve known Donna Bennett for over a decade and have worked with her professionally. When she approached me about Finger Lakes Connected I was ecstatic. There is a pure joy of connecting with local businesses, especially wineries and breweries, and discovering their unique stories.
I plan on keeping the newsletter going with local events and promotions. Plus I will continue to spotlight local businesses, including blogging and keeping the community spirit and culture alive.
Digitally, FLC is now featuring local business listings on the website. The online directory is unique because it is for local residents of the Finger Lakes. While most directories are built for tourism, which is wonderful in itself, ours was created with a community focus. The listings are a new way for the community to discover and connect with local businesses, including services. We will also feature events online as well, allowing users to also submit their own events. Listing profiles are free, but you can amp your business with a Premium Listing, which includes more photos, videos, logo, and is jam-packed with extra info, such as social media profiles.
I am eager to reconnect with you and hope to help your business thrive.