Color Orange

23 July 2024

Next on the rainbow is orange, a secondary color formed by combining red and yellow. It is rarely chosen as one’s favorite color.

The best anyone can determine, it comes from the Old French into Middle English a orenge. In 1502 the color of Margaret Tudor’s dress was described as ā€œorangeā€. Before that time the hue was called yellow-red.

Thought of as a cheerful color, associated with spring and sunshine or with autumn leaves or sunsets. Those who favor orange as their color of choice are usually thought of as vibrant. The color evokes thoughts of energy, warmth, and enthusiasm.

The other side of the color is a warning. Think of the orange cones as traffic warnings. How about prison jumpsuits?

Hunters usually wear orange vests to alert others that they are around. In 1959 the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Game as well as the American military began to study orange for its visibility. They found that orange was the most easily seen color in various, in fact the majority, of lighting conditions. It is also the least likely to be mistaken for a natural element, human, animal, vegetation, etc. Now you may be thinking, what about the tiger? Well, its natural prey are generally colorblind.

Considering those natural items that are orange, you may think carrots or sweet potatoes! That is thanks to carotene. The body converts beta carotene into Vitamin A, retinol. This is a critical element in maintaining good vision. So, Grandma was right; eating your carrots will help you see better. Vitamin A also is responsible for healthy organs like heart, lungs, and kidneys. Oranges actually start out green but as the chlorophyll degrades, it is replaced with carotene.

There are people who conduct studies on how particular colors make us feel when we are exposed to them, or surrounded by them. For orange, these folks say that it makes you feel rejuvenated and optimistic. Somehow it signifies shelter and can help overcome obstacles. Add a little more red and it will make a person more competitive and even feel stronger.

You don’t find orange much in advertising. It obviously is used to connote the flavor of the fruit, like in soft drinks or juices. Beyond that there are only a few companies that are bold enough to go with orange as their primary color.

Fun facts:

  • Orange is included in very few national flags. Which countries other than Ireland can you think of?
  • Robin red-breast was named before we had a title for the color orange.
  • In India, it is considered sacred. Buddhists associate it with spirituality and peace. The Japanese associate it with civilization and knowledge.
  • The word indicates both the color and the citrus fruit.
  • As wood burns, it releases sodium which burns to an orange color.
  • The Golden Gate Bridge started as an ordinary color but the U. S. Navy wanted something that would make it stand out to be sighted by ships. The military suggested black and silver or black and yellow. Its current orange color is visible even during a fog.


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