Color Green

28 May 2024

The next choice on the rainbow wheel is Green, which is a combination of blue and yellow. With yellow a symbol of optimism and blue’s calming effect, green presents as a positive influence on our daily lives.

So many of our words come from the Greek, but this one doesn’t. It is related to grene, an Old English word used to describe living plants. Green has been a dye since ancient times. The Egyptians used malachite and green soil; the Greeks used verdigris, which is the patina or upper layer that forms on brass. In the 18th and 19th Centuries toxic chemicals were used to create some shades.

Today we can use many natural plants to develop the green we need. Some of those sources are matcha, mint, Black-eyed Susan, artichoke, grass, and lily of the valley.

This is what we generally associate with nature. While each shade or variation can offer a different meaning or cause us to feel differently, commonly, we think of growth, new life, regeneration, and energy. A verdant landscape subconsciously presents a feeling of hope and health. We emulate this in our homes with plants or floral wallpaper and throw pillows. It represents balance and calm. Green has been shown to help reduce anxiety and depression.

Green is also associated with luck. Many countries have paper currency that are green or a shade of that color. It has connotations of hope, health, and vitality. It can also reflect creativity and optimism.

color, green, colors

On the negative side, it can also symbolize greed, undue ambition, and jealousy. It can be interpreted as immature or inexperienced. Some people view it as nauseous.

People have favorite colors. Why? We are not sure but it does happen. There appears to be some personality traits that follow those same color lines. For those who favor green, they seems to be concerned with the environment. They are creative thinkers and like to focus on personal growth.

It is not uncommon for those who like green to gravitate to jobs or other activities that involve healing, connection with others, and helping the less fortunate or vulnerable individuals.

Researchers find that the color may improve reading ability and comprehension. It seems to evoke a tranquility. For instance, television studios use a “green room” as a holding station for their guests and have found that it makes the people calmer and reduces the nerves associated with an appearance or performance. Some people will choose clothing in shades of green, especially soft or deeper hues, to feel less anxious or more positive. Since it is opposite red on the color wheel, green seems to lower heart rates and blood pressure readings.

Since green is also a symbol of fertility, in the 15th Century, green was the favored color for a wedding dress.

If you are thinking of using some variation of green in your website or marketing campaign, you need to consider the culture, symbolism, and psychological affect it will have. In Western culture, we find diverse associations, like envy, harmony, eco-friendly, or wealth. Shading has an effect as well. Darker versions are more calming and lighter shades feel fresh and young.

Some of the fun facts surrounding green include:

  • Blue is the most favorite color but green is second.
  • In China, green jade signifies virtue and beauty.
  • Associated with Venus, green is the color of love.
  • Green was the favorite color of George Washington.
  • Green is associated with peace.

So, the next time you look at a vast expanse of lawn or turf, you will recall some of these facts.

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