6 August 2024
You’re bored. You are tired. The room is stuffy. Someone near you is doing it, too.
A great big old Y-A-W-N.
This is one of the great mysteries of science. Well, there are more important things like finding cancer cures or tracking the next pandemic. There are no conclusive answers, but it is still interesting to ponder.
A yawn is a deep inhale of breath with the mouth open wide followed by a rapid exhale. Sometimes with sound; sometimes not. Generally, afterward the person feels more relaxed. A very long time ago, people believed that if you yawned with your mouth uncovered, your soul would leave the body. Even though this is a myth, you still may want to cover your mouth. After all, who really wants to see your bridgework?
Still, there are ongoing theories about why we do it. Remember that there is really no proof about any of these ideas.
- Wake Up. It could be that your brain senses that you are dozing off when you shouldn’t and it is the organ’s attempt to make you alert. Yawning moves the face and neck muscles. This could stimulate the carotid artery, which will perk up your heart rhythm.
- Ear Pressure. The Eustachian tubes regulate air pressure in the middle ear and a yawn can help adjust that when necessary. It is like popping your ears when a plane lands. Those tubes will also release as you swallow.
- Brain Temperature. This is a situation where there is some research. As we inhale a larger amount of air, the blood is cooled, especially in the neck and head. The movement of the facial muscles could help release the sinuses. Sometimes when we yawn, we tear up. All of this could lead to the brain releasing heat or cooling down. Researchers find that sleep, boredom, and stress are associated with brain temperature fluctuations.
Everyone has probably experienced the contagion of yawning. One person starts and then you, and others, follow. The researchers think that when one person yawns, it starts a reaction because you are all in the same place, in the same temperature, humidity, etc. and everyone’s brains are in the same climate and need adjusting.
So what is with “group yawning”? You know, where one person starts it and then everyone around seems to be doing it. For a long time it was thought to be an empathetic response. However in 2022 a study decided that it is more of a group behavior. Others are trying to protect themselves from falling into the same stupor as the first person who yawns. Which theory is valid? Your guess is as good as mine!
After a while, yawning can become annoying, both to the yawner and to those around. To break the action, try taking some deep breaths through the nose and out the mouth. If possible, get up and move around a bit. Even better would be to change your venue; take a stroll outdoors for a few minutes. Based on the concept that the brain needs some cooling, go for ice water to lower body temperature and to hydrate.
Next, you are probably wondering if it is possible to yawn too much. Of course, it can be an issue but know what the limits are. We are told that the average person yawns around 20 times per day. However, if you find yourself yawning when you are not tired or bored, this could be a concern for neurological issues. Discuss this with your medical advisor and they may want to test for migraines, epilepsy, Parkinson’s, or stroke.